• Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

How to be healthy


Jan 21, 2023
How to be healthy

Many people, even though they aspire to it, find it hard to keep themselves fit and healthy all the time. Having a balanced diet, playing sports, taking care of yourself, so many tasks that are not self-evident in a world where urgency is essential. However, it’s all just habits and it’s quite easy to change them, but you have to operate gradually. Once the right behaviors have been adopted, it is not very difficult to respect them.

Have a healthy diet

Drink regularly . Water is the best drink and adults should drink 30 mL per kilogram of body weight (2.1 L per 70 kg) daily. Depending on age, children should drink between 1 and 1.5 L of water per day  . Water regulates body temperature and facilitates the elimination of toxins.

Drinking plenty will give you a fresh complexion, your kidneys will work better, your appetite will be normal, and you will feel great  Sodas and fruit juices that contain staggering amounts of sugar should be banned. Since the body does not need it, it stores it as fat and the thirst is also not quenched.

Drinking hot water stimulates the activity of the digestive tract, allows better elimination of toxins. By hot water, we mean non-boiling water, which can be drunk without injury.

Tip: if you don’t like water too much because of its blandness, add a few drops of lemon to it, it will be better.

Don’t skip breakfast. Of all the meals, it is surely the most important, it must be consistent, varied and balanced. All studies show that those who skip breakfast eat more because they catch up during the day. If you want to maintain your weight or lose weight, eat in the morning.

So, instead of a coffee with cream and two very sweet donuts, it is better to drink a fresh fruit juice, two slices of wholemeal bread, an egg, a little cheese and jam and a tea or a black coffee. Thus, you will not know the craving of 11 am  .

Watch what you eat

. A meal consisting of half vegetables and half fruit is a good start  [4] . Add whole grains, lean proteins and a semi-skimmed dairy product. With this type of breakfast, your body will wonder what is happening to it. The first times, you will not feel well, but persist, it will only be temporary.

Not all fats should be banned. Unsaturated fatty acids are necessary, you will find them in fatty fish (tuna, sardines , salmon , etc.), nuts, avocados or olive oil .

If it is necessary to eat regularly throughout the day, it is also not a question of snacking every half hour.

 Be Healthy Eat at certain times

. Thus, the evening meal should be in the time slot from 5 to 8 p.m. Digestion will have time to take place before bedtime, sleep will be easier to obtain. If you feel peckish, snack on a few nuts or hazelnuts, eat a fruit or a raw vegetable.

Finish the last meal of the day at least 3 hours before going to bed. Do not eat too much or too heavy so that digestion does not disturb sleep.

Snacks are not prohibited provided they do not exceed a certain number of calories. Their interest is to calm hunger to prevent you from overeating during the next main meal: snacks are appetite regulators

Eat less meat. If you can’t do without it, the ideal would be to eat it twice a week. Then, the choice to become vegetarian rests with you knowing in advance that the vegetarian food presents some deficiencies if the meals are not well thought out. Otherwise, eat chicken, turkey or fish.

In case of a vegetarian diet, favor non-starchy vegetables without too much pasta or rice. As long as you consume cereals, as long as they are complete. At each meal, consume proteins, such as those contained in eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts…

So, for breakfast you can prepare a whole grain tortilla with scrambled eggs mixed with tomatoes, at noon black bean soup with a small green salad, in the afternoon Greek yogurt and in the evening , vegetable lasagna.

A diet rich in fiber reduces bad cholesterol levels, keeps blood sugar in a good range and facilitates transit. The recommended daily intake is 30 g for a man and 20 g for a woman. After the age of 50, intake increases to 40 and 25 g respectively. These fibers are present in most fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains  Image intitulée Be Healthy Limit your intake of fast sugars. Certainly, they provide a boost, but they are very caloric, and above all, they stimulate the appetite. If a glass of fruit juice or a cake are acceptable once in a while, they should be the exception. Fruits, in addition to vitamins and various trace elements, contain somewhat complex sugars, such as fructose, and are generally easily assimilated. Eat the skin if possible.

Read the labels of what you buy carefully. Processed foods have, rightly or wrongly, a bad reputation. If you absolutely must buy some, choose minimally processed products, such as simply frozen green beans. In any case, read the list of ingredients carefully in search of excessive amounts of salt, sugar and fat.

Whenever possible, avoid buying products that contain trans fatty acids, too much salt (mention of sodium) and ingredients that end in -ose . Take the time to find other healthier products, even if it means cooking raw products.

Manufacturers always try to circumvent the legislation. Thus, the mention “trans fatty acids” has almost disappeared, but other names have appeared (hydrogenated oil). Few prepared meals do not contain fat.

By admin

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